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(I would only add that Hawaiian shirts are worn by boogaloo fascists.)

The attack on two important statues around the Square in Madison is part of a regressive impulse of mass violence and police unwillingness to stand by in ways/places that would avoid violence.

The two statues, nearly across from each other with the Capitol in between, marked the route of marchers during the Wisconsin Uprising of 2011-12, sometimes as many as 150,000 of us. Heg was of course a noted Abolitionist, prison reformer and Union army officer. Lady Liberty meant a lot more than the women's vote. (A fund is being created for LL to be restored, the fund for the Heg statue has not yet begun.)

An African American demonstrator if not a presumed leader said to the press that Wisconsin pretends to be progressive when it is truly racist, so this act was strategic. Which is foolish.

The Madison police, drastically reformed in the 1970s, have fallen back, if not back to the John Birch Society days of the 1950s-60s. Then provocateurs were common and overtime pay was the reward. But today's cops felt unsupported by the mayor and city council in a recent fracas and most definitely stood back from events unfolding.

Meanwhile, a young woman of color, Madison native, in EMT training, was assaulted overnight, driving around the Capitol, sprayed with lighter fluid then lit, in her car, but managing to get help. The perps wore Hawaiian shirts and she said they had the look for Wis frat boys, which sounds about right.

This is Madison at its best. She said she hoped these young jerks would learn something, and she urged people to support BLM.

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