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Music is wonderful, for most people, John, but I have to confess that I am tone 
deaf and have never been much of a fan of music. I know it is strange, but then 
I am strange in many ways. I am the only person I know who is not into music 
much at all -- I love the local classical music station, we are lucky to have 
such a station here in Tidewater VA, but even it is just background for my 
driving and I do not listen while at home. Thanks for trying to clue me in, I 
imagine this is all just great, but I cannot get into it. In solidarity 
nevertheless, Wythe

> On June 27, 2020 at 9:44 PM John A Imani <johnaima...@gmail.com> wrote:
>     Comrade,
>     Watching just an awesome recital by the couple 
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8p3HNGmEkA .  Banjos with a "Black Lives 
> Matter" sign as background.  They promised to stream it for a few weeks.  The 
> first part is a Jazz trio that did not interest me as I came to hear Bela.  
> Me and V have seen him at least twice, maybe 3,4 times. 
>     If only interested in this part its easy to navigate to it just move 
> cursor to almost the end that isn't.  Their performance is maybe 25 - 30 mins 
> long.
>     They do a song on the indigenous.  She sings one in Chinese that she 
> learned during an extended stay in Sichuan.  They duet on a Hank, Sr tune.  
> Sing an Abbey Lincoln 
> https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=Abbey+Lincoln+ tune 
> introduced by pointing at her activism.  Last thing "Take me to Harlem" with 
> great lyrics but, I think, musically missing something.  Maybe a gospel choir.
>     Comrade, I am far from a musicologist but know what I like when I hear it.
>     In the 60's the soundtrack to our lives was cause and effect of our 
> struggles, protests, movements.  There must be a music of this movement.  
> Maybe musics.  But Fleck's incursion of his politics into this Allegheny 
> world sounds a tocsin for others to follow.  Not just bluegrass but C&W, 
> folk, rap, R&B, classical, jazz and blues.
>     We must find, encourage and support our troubadors-to-be.  I know one 
> personally.  Devin Hoff is a world-class bassist 
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devin_Hoff who shifts through the varied music 
> scenes listed above with grace, fluidity, mastery of himself and his 
> instrument, bass.  Even better is his politics.  Even better is the man.  He 
> currently lives and will soon be active again in NYC, hopefully the C19thing 
> will be beaten even though it is 'managed' by a rudy-poot nincompoop.
>     But as for Bela Fleck and Abigail Wishburn's presentation all that was 
> missing, besides the gospel choir, was Doc and Merle Watson but, alas, both 
> are gone.
>     Freihofer's Jazz Fest: Béla Fleck & Abigail Washburn with Skidmore Jazz 
> Institute Alumni Trio 
>     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8p3HNGmEkA
>     JAI
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