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I started reading the SUNDAY REVIEW section of the Sunday Times (not the
Book Review --- what used to be labelled the NEWS OF THE WEEK IN REVIEW)
--- and was shocked that it seems like it's ALL full of stuff that could
have been (and HAS been) written by a radical (dare I say Marxist)
economist --

Check out this line from the introductory article written by the entire
editorial board:''Wages are substantially determined by a tug of war
between workers and employers ...."

That's class struggle economics not the "micro-economics" we were taught in
college (that I had to hold my nose and teach my first few years in the
classroom!!!) --- in the traditional approach, wages are determined by the
"productivity" of the workers in a "competitive" economy --- there is
virtually no room for the exercise of power in the markets (unless labor
unions or minimum wages "distort" the market!!).

Guess our side has been successfully "brainwashing" journalists for years
without even knowing it!!

WHo knew??
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