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This report is submitted by Philip Alston. The world is at an existential 
involving a pandemic, a deep economic recession, devastating climate change, 
inequality, and an uprising against racist policies. Running through all of 
these challenges
is the longstanding neglect of extreme poverty by many governments, economists, 
human rights advocates.
By single-mindedly focusing on the World Bank’s flawed international poverty 
line, the
international community mistakenly gauges progress in eliminating poverty by 
reference to
a standard of miserable subsistence rather than an even minimally adequate 
standard of
living. This in turn facilitates greatly exaggerated claims about the impending 
of extreme poverty and downplays the parlous state of impoverishment in which 
billions of
people still subsist.
While the Sustainable Development Goals have achieved a great deal, they are 
failing in
relation to key goals such as poverty eradication, economic equality, gender 
equality, and
climate change. They need to be recalibrated in response to COVID-19, the 
recession, and accelerating global warming.
Poverty is a political choice and its elimination requires: (i) reconceiving 
the relationship
between growth and poverty elimination; (ii) tackling inequality and embracing
redistribution; (iii) promoting tax justice; (iv) implementing universal social 
protection; (v)
centering the role of government; (vi) embracing participatory governance; and 
adapting international poverty measurement.


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