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So the reason this letter is no good is because it was signed by J.K.
Rowling and doesn't mention the fight for LGBTQ rights?

So Noam Chomsky is guilty by association?

All American communists were Stalinist mass murderers by association??

All black men have to answer for a black rapist?   All gay people have to
answer for a single child molester?  (or a mass murderer like Juan Corona)

All Jews have to answer for Benjamin Netanyahu?

After reading this piece, I re-read the letter very carefully to see where
it denied the reality of trans people.  Couldn't find it ....

Even THE BELL CURVE should be attacked and refuted ---- not burned or taken
out of a library --- When Steven J. Gould refuted it, he first READ it!!

The writer seems to be asserting that the letter is wrong because it
implicitly (or specifically) defends the right of anti-trans bigots to
assert that there is no such thing as a truly trans person (ridiculous idea
but there are plenty of them) --- but all it really does is caution the
rest of us to resist the urge to PUNISH "wrong" speech -- that's what the
OTHER SIDE does all the time and we should not give them ammunition ....

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