from Fred :
"More and more I suspect that the successful coup of sorts is taking  
not in Honduras (where the putschists are embattled) but in Washington
(where it is meeting no visible resistance, including from one of its
central targets, the current President".

The gruesome truth, Fred. Meanwhile, the coup which is taking place in  
Washington( where every coup is usually  taking place )  is spread  on  
the grandiose scale into the rest of the world. And we, here in the  
US, have a burning hope  for some resistance (to any coup,  in any  
part of the world!) would  grow strong enough  to help  our slumber in  
our "democracy"  to be interrupted. Somehow.Maybe. Meanwhile, Uncle  
Tom, the Uncle Sam's grandson, can enjoy the beers in the White House,  
memorizing lines from  his "intellectual speeches" to impress the  
world - wide  public with the American President, who ( a miracle!)    
is capable of  speaking... The best of us are buried  under the  
unbearably heavy burden of guilt... Why? Because, the best of us are  
knowledgeable, well educated people, who  have learned during the  
course of self-education  that every coup in the world  takes the root  
in Washington. So, to take the root out, that's should be the  
Leninist' quest, I suppose.
comradely, Lara

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