"And the list wonders why there aren't more women participating in
these discussions." ML

Thanks for invitation. I doubt that an Iraqi/Afghani/ Palestinian   
woman at the present time, who has lost every men out her family and  
just buried her children, would  participate in the discussion between  
academically acclaimed  me, analyzing with all the coolness  of the  
bookish knowledge the end of her life.
To get some feelings about "who raped whom" I may recommend the Soviet  
movie ( early 70-ties), based on the  Yury Nagibin's  novel "The  
Women's Realm". ( Title preserved)                                              
        Action takes a place in the  
godforsaken Siberian village, where there are no more men left alive  
but still too many and too small children, who cry for food. ( What is  
also not there). At the end of their struggle for survival one of 16   
got the luck : her husband is wounded but alive and coming home. At  
the certain day all of them are gathering  on the shabby train station  
to meet the man.  Tied to the stretcher a man is brought from the  
train and women meet a human alive but without legs and arms. His  
eyes, observing the reaction, is the last  moment, interrupted by the  
hysterical cry of his wife.
I noticed that long time members of this list like movies. There was  
even the attempt to remember some Soviet films.("Cranes Are Flying" ,  
how about this one?). Now, please, continue  quite exciting  topics  
like   "who won the World War II?"  Or -"who raped whom and how many  
were raped by the Reds and by the Nazi". And, please, the moderator of  
the list is right: do not insult each other.    

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