Why do you say that?  Clearly one can have differences with their tactics and 
strategy, but to say they were not a leftist group or were not to the "left" of 
Peron seems dubious and sectarian.  Moreover, why then did the Peron regime and 
its successors do so much to repress and kill them?  Surely you don't mean to 
suggest we shouldn't have solidarity with them? By that logic the Weathermen 
were to the right of Nixon? (BTW, there was an excellent three hour interview 
on C-SPAN2 last night with Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn)

> Date: Sun, 6 Sep 2009 00:07:44 -0300
> From: nmg...@gmail.com
> Subject: Re: [Marxism] Voting with feet,      not commendable in Argentina 
> Re:        China'shigh speed rail plans
> To: t...@hotmail.com
> Look, Kosslof, if you think the Montoneros were in any way on Perón´s
> "left", as most standard "leftists" in Arg believe, then you are so
> far away from Marxism that, as I guessed, it is pointless to discuss
> any of these issues with you.

Get back to school stuff for them and cashback for you.
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