Louis Proyect wrote: "My main disagreement with Nestor is his tendency to apply 
such examples 
to Iran, China or other countries with nominally "anti-imperialist" 
governments but at least he errs on the side of living reality rather 
than quote-mongering from Marx."
Well, Louis, as always, I think that depends on the context. For example, when 
the whole discussion starts to get embroiled with ‘Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, agrees 
with me!’ –Néstor’s words, then should we not take a step back and see what 
Marx said? Is it enough to invoke the theories of Lenin or Trotsky out of 
nowhere? In fact, if you allow me the impudence, reading your posts on the 
latest events on Iran, you quote Trotsky quite a bit yourself. Same goes for 
when I talk to Stalinists who, and I suggest you experiment with this, can be 
caught saying exactly what Marx was going crazy about in the Critique of the 
Gotha Programme, a ‘political’ programme, and no, I’m not saying Néstor is one 
of them.
So far the argument had been mainly centered, at least from my side, on the 
(determinative) role of accumulation (forgive me, I have to say this here, Marx 
said accumulation is ‘the’ independent variable,) is that orthodox, 
economistic, dogmatic, determinist? Not if one takes Capital as a political 
book, notwithstanding how Council Communists have made a religion out of this 
outlook, I think. I certainly didn’t mean any of this to be an abstract 
condemnation of the CCP, nor am I willing to abstract from the complications 
and propose instead to engage in the demonization spectacle, and even further, 
while I don’t accept, and think it is necessary to expressly reject, Nestor’s 
framework about ‘using’ capitalism, the way I understand it, the transitional 
period is capitalist, but then we have to measure how the production process is 
progressively veering toward socialist society in terms of productivity, 
organic composition of capital, labor relations, etc..
But I’m starting to notice here, that Néstor and I perhaps started with the 
left foot, so given the circumstances which I’m starting to feel out, and as I 
take it, that he is man of struggle, I’ll try to keep the quotes to a minimum, 
or just plagiarize them.
Take a look at the Iñigo Carrera article, it’s not just Perón, there’s a 
specific “pattern” to the expansive cycles in the agrarian sector, and their 
respective political representatives, and when the contraction starts to hurt, 
the blood starts to run. 
Get back to school stuff for them and cashback for you.
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