> Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2009 22:09:09 +0200
> From: d.koech...@wanadoo.fr
> Subject: [Marxism] crime
> To: t...@hotmail.com
Are you sure that was all that Mao was about?  Didn't he and the CCP have some 
involvement in the epochal social revolution that occurred in China in the last 
century?  Just seems like a right wing comic book version of history papered 
over with leftist rhetoric. Was Mao a tyrant? could be?  but what kind of a 
tyrant was he, what social forces were behind him and what was his historical 
role in Chinese history? What was his relationship with the masses of workers 
and peasants who could care less about the petty personal intrigues among 
leadership cliques.  Henry VIII was a tyrant and a pig who had two of his wives 
killed (evidence Mao did that?), but to just disparage him on that basis 
without alluding to or appreciating his broader role in English history in 
terms of say expulsion of the Catholic Church would reflect an impoverished 
view of history. 
> Mao was an awful tyrant. In order to reach the top of the Chinese 
> Communist Party, he , either, betrayed his "friends" to the Kuomintang, 
> or had them "confess" and executed them on trumped-up charges . He had 
> four wives, two of which he cynically  caused to be killed  in order to 
> re-marry.  Mao was truly a despicable example of a human being. 
> Preoccupied only by himself and how he could out-wit the other members 
> of the Politburo.

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