Louis, I haven't read your article so I'm not sure if you mentioned the
context that Molyneux's article is being written in.  Molyneux is a strong
voice in the SWP attacking the (in my opinion, wrongheaded) no-platform
policy BNP policy.  The few months before the SWP conference (now) are
apparently the only times when members can form factions.

On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 5:20 PM, Louis Proyect <l...@panix.com> wrote:

> In the latest issue of International Socialism, a quarterly put
> out by the British SWP, John Molyneux has an 8600 word article “On
> Party Democracy”  that raises some interesting questions but fails
> to get to the heart of the real problem in self-declared Leninist
 > vanguards like the SWP.
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