(JAI:  RAC was formed as a response to the police riot in MacArthur Park on May 
Day 2007 that their intimidation will not deter us from working in our 
neighborhood for the human rights of all.)

Music Line up for 2 yr Anniversary                                              
                             Film Screening "A Place Called Chiapas"

Leonel (Poemas)                                                         FOOD    
                 Seminars on: 
                        Housing Problems
                           Immigration Rights
DJ Skript

            Two Years!  Every Sunday!  Rain or Shine!  "We're Still Here, We 
Never Left"

                 You can join us every Sunday at 1:30 PM. Meet at the SE Corner 
of Wilshire and Parkview in MacArthur Park

Revolutionary Autonomous Communities' Food Program

The Revolutionary Autonomous Communities has created a food program where we 
are empowering ourselves and others to become self-sustainable. 

The Food Program is a mutual-aid project where people themselves are organizing 
and distributing food in their own neighborhoods. This is not charity, we do 
not believe that change will happen this way. This is self-empowerment, where 
working class neo-colonies are feeding themselves, and organizing to feed 

Since the first week of November, 2007, RAC has distibuted much needed 
grocieries to the needy workers of the area at times having served up to 200 

You can join us every Sunday at 1:30 PM. Meet at the SE Corner of Wilshire and 
Parkview in MacArthur Park.

RAC Mission Statement:

We feel that this system is killing our people by what the corporations feed us 
or don't feed us. At the same time there is an abundance of healthy food that 
goes to waste. They would rather let food go to waste than allow the prices of 
food in the market to drop. Then they disconnect people (all indigenous and 
colonized people) from the land, which a free and independent people need to 
survive. They centralize power and resources in the hands of the few, this is 
how they keep oppressed people dependent on a white-supremacist, patriarchal, 
capitalist-imperialist system.

RAC's Food Program is a way that we can work with supporters and other 
organizations to feed healthy food to our communities. We want people to 
connect with each other, to pick up and distribute the food amongst themselves. 
We will support, help connect people and to supply whatever resources we can. 
Through this process our goal is to connect our communities and to take them 
back. Our overall goal is to regain our necessary connection to the land. We 
need land to survive, and the land belongs to us, not the colonizer. We want to 
relearn how to live off the land and how to truly be self-sustainable.

  " We're Still Here, We Never Left"
Revolutionary Autonomous Communities

                                                Support our Food Program.

                                                Help Pick Up Food.

                                                Help Distribute Food in Your 

                                                Donate to our Community 
Mutual-Aid Program.

                                                Get Organized!

                                                Take Back Our Communities and 
Take Back the Land!

                                                All Power THROUGH the People!

       -Revolutionary Autonomous Communities

E-mail RAC: 



To donate to the RAC Food Program:  


Pay Pal

RAC Blog:


Radio RAC LA 
Tuesdays 9PM-12AM (On Hiatus)

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