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Several here have come rather close to endorsing the notion that animals
deserve some, but less moral consideration because of their relative
intelligence to ours. I hope we can all agree how reasonable and
convincing that argument is, and how anyone claiming to be a Marxist
should feel for saying it.

I'd like to quote from a favorite show of mine:

[Planet Express: Meeting Room. The crew sit around the table and Bender
puts a plate with a cover on the table.]

FARNSWORTH: A toast to Leela. She showed us it's wrong to eat certain

FRY: Hear, hear!

BENDER: Let's get drunk!

LEELA: Aww, thanks, guys. Pass the veal, please.

BENDER: Here you go. [He passes a plate over.]

FRY: Mmm, let me get some of that suckling pig.

[Amy passes it to him. Bender holds up a plate.]

BENDER: Who wants dolphin?

[Everyone gasps.]

LEELA: Dolphin? But dolphins are intelligent.

BENDER: Not this one. He blew all his money on instant lottery tickets.



AMY: That's different.

FARNSWORTH: Good, good.

LEELA: Pass the blowhole.

AMY: Can I have a fluke?

HERMES: Hey, quit hogging the bottle-nose.

FARNSWORTH: Toss me the speech centre of the brain!

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