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----- Original Message ----- 
From: johnaimani 
To: r...@lists.riseup.net 
Sent: Friday, November 20, 2009 5:55 PM
Subject: WSJ: Anarchism in Science

  a.. NOVEMBER 20, 2009
More Scientists Treat Experiments as a Team Sport 
Massive Collider, a Global Collaboration, Has a Bumpy Start; but Sometimes the 
Work of Crowds Yields Wisdom

If all goes well, researchers Friday may power up the Large Hadron Collider -- 
a $6 billion particle accelerator near Geneva. The atom smasher is so large 
that a brief status report lists 2,900 authors, so complex that scientists in 
34 countries have readied 100,000 computers to process its data, and so fragile 
that a bird dropping a bread crust can short-circuit its power supply -- as 
occurred earlier this month.

The Large Hadron Collider, a $6 billion particle accelerator, is so large that 
a recent status report lists 2,900 authors. Robert Lee Hotz says the project is 
a prime example of how scientists are inventing new ways to foster teamwork 
through the Internet and shared data bases around the world.

Far from trouble-free, the proton accelerator is resuming operations after a 
catastrophic breakdown in 2008 that triggered a year of repairs and 
recriminations. Its large research teams operate on such an elaborate scale 
that project management has become one of science's biggest challenges.

Around the world, scientists are cutting across boundaries of place, 
organization and technical specialty to conduct ever more ambitious 
experiments. Inspired by such cooperative enterprises as Linux and Wikipedia, 
they are encouraging creative collaborations through networks of blogs, wikis, 
shared databases and crowd-sourcing.

Once a mostly solitary endeavor, science in the 21st century has become a team 
sport. Research collaborations are larger, more common, more widely cited and 
more influential than ever, management studies show. Measured by the number of 
authors on a published paper, research teams have grown steadily in size and 
number every year since World War II.

To gauge the rise of team science, management experts at Northwestern 
University recently analyzed 2.1 million U.S. patents filed since 1975 and all 
of the 19.9 million research papers archived in the Institute for Scientific 
Information database. "We looked at the recorded universe of all published 
papers across all fields, and we found that all fields were moving heavily 
toward teamwork," says Northwestern business sociologist Brian Uzzi.

As research projects grow more complicated, management becomes a variable in 
every experiment. "You can't do it alone," says research management analyst 
Maria Binz-Scharf at City College of New York. "The question is how you put it 
all together."

Researchers ready the Large Hadron Collider, which physicists hope will reveal 
the forces that shaped the universe.
The key is bringing the people together in the first place, which has sped 
technological advancements that often benefited the rest of us. The ease of 
global business and social networking today owes much to the World Wide Web, 
which was designed to aid information-sharing between scientists. It was 
invented at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), the home of 
the Large Hadron Collider.

New online science management experiments are underway. Last year, the National 
Science Foundation started a $50 million project to map all plant biology 
research, from the level of molecules to organisms to entire ecosystems, so 
scientists can swoop through shared data as if they were using Google Earth. 
Last month, U.S. computer experts launched a $12 million federal project to 
create a national biomedical network called VIVOweb to encourage collaborations.

Scientists are experimenting with the new technology of teamwork even in 
mathematics, where researchers customarily work alone.

Last January, British mathematician Timothy Gowers invited volunteers to work 
on a problem in combinatorial research called the density Hales-Jewett theorem, 
which he posted at his Polymath Project blog. By brain-storming together 
online, two dozen volunteers solved the problem in 37 days. "This way of doing 
research led to our finding the proof much more quickly than otherwise," says 
Dr. Gowers at Cambridge University.

Recommended Reading
  a.. Northwestern University researchers analyzed millions of research papers 
and patents to document The Increasing Dominance of Teams in Production of 
  b.. Teamwork in science increasingly spans university boundaries in most 
research fields, analysts reported in Multi-University Research Teams: Shifting 
Impact, Geography, and Stratification in Science. 
  c.. To examine the development of creative teams, researchers analyzed the 
history of Broadway musicals in Team Assembly Mechanisms Determine 
Collaboration Network Structure and Team Performance. 
  d.. Physicist Don Lincoln explains what the Large Hadron Collider is likely 
to reveal about particle physics in his book, "The Quantum Frontier: The Large 
Hadron Collider" 
  e.. In "Perspectives on LHC Physics," researchers in the field of particle 
physics offer an overview of techniques crucial for finding new physics at the 
collider, as well as perspectives on the importance and implications of the 
  f.. Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek explores the frontier of physics and the 
Large Hadron Collider in "Lightness of Being: Mass, Ether, and the Unification 
of Forces."
Other scientists team up out of frustration. Biology students created an online 
collaboration called OpenWetware to share technical tips about cell lines, 
enzymes, protocols and screening assays. "This stuff is never published," says 
Sriram Kosuri at the Harvard University Institute of Genetics, who was among 
its organizers. "We wanted to get this information into the open."

Since 2005, the project has grown into an online collaborative of 7,000 
registered users on five continents and 65,000 Web pages -- all with little or 
no direct management. "Everyone uses it for their own purposes and it grows 
organically," says Dr. Kosuri.

In that spirit, paleontologist Michael Taylor at the University College London 
recently set up the Open Dinosaur Project, encouraging volunteers to create an 
online database of dinosaur bones from collections world-wide. "The whole 
nature of the scientific engagement is changing dramatically and quickly," Dr. 
Taylor says.

By many measures, the Large Hadron Collider is the largest machine in the 
world. It is designed to smash together proton beams to test ultimate theories 
of matter. Its science teams, drawing on independent researchers, resources and 
funds from 150 universities and dozens of government agencies, already 
transcend the physics of conventional management.

Strictly speaking, no one is in charge.

Consider Tejinder Virdee, who occupies the top spot in the organizational chart 
of the collider's Compact Muon Solenoid detector -- an intricate 12,500-ton 
device the size of a medieval cathedral. At least 3,600 people from 183 
institutes in 38 countries are involved. Ordinarily, Dr. Virdee might exercise 
considerable executive authority. Instead, he carries the misleading title of 
"spokesperson." He was elected by researchers to negotiate with other groups on 
their behalf.

He has no power to order or insist, only to cajole and persuade. "I cannot 
direct anybody to do anything that they do not want to do," Dr. Virdee says. 
"All decision-making is by consensus." Yet, he is more or less the boss -- at 
least of this component.

All around the collider, research groups organized themselves in democratic 
cooperatives, arranged in an anti-hierarchy. All deliberations are open -- and 
exhaustive. Everyone gets their say no matter how long it takes. "It is 
bottom-up and not top-down," says Markus Nordberg, who is the resource 
coordinator -- essentially the chief financial officer -- for the collider's 
ATLAS detector. The ATLAS detector weighs as much as the Eiffel Tower and is 
among the largest collaborations ever attempted in the physical sciences.

"None of them can do the research without each other," says Barbara Gray, a 
management analyst at Pennsylvania State University. "No one can play with the 
Large Hadron Collider unless they all play together."

In one sign of trust, the scientists who designed the systems relied on 
technologies that did not yet exist, delaying key decisions as long as 
practicable in the expectation someone would invent a way out of the problem. 
"There is enough confidence in the community that the technical problems will 
be solved at the last possible affordable moment," says Dr. Nordberg. "That is 
not the way industry works."

If all performs as planned, research teams will equally share the data and the 

For all their skill, the scientists starting up the Large Hadron Collider have 
encountered any number of operational glitches this year and, perhaps, one 
unique obstacle. The accelerator is expected to unleash forces so fundamental 
-- even a black hole, some fear -- that a few physicists fret the universe may 
be sabotaging the project to protect itself.

Write to Robert Lee Hotz at sciencejour...@wsj.com 

Printed in The Wall Street Journal, page A23 
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