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Asad Haider wrote:
> They urge for an analysis of the purges that does not center on
> Stalin's personality, which seems reasonable.

We don't need an extended discussion of such matters, but I would say 
this, having watched the video of the interview you referred to. Getty 
has a rather narrow interest, which is to discredit the Robert Conquest 
version of what happened in the 1930s. But from everything I have read 
of Getty online, including his most ambitious work co-authored with a 
Russian historian, there is absolutely no engagement with Marxism. There 
is no sense of an understanding of the relevance of historical 
materialism to the Soviet Union. It is strictly a number crunching 
exercise heavily dependent on Soviet archives that tries to establish 
the fact that the 1930s repression was not orchestrated in all its 
details by Stalin. This was never the view of Marxist historians, to say 
the least.

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