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Interesting point by Peltier (if true) that no Native American 
reservation chairmen meeting with Obama would bring up his incarceration 
when they met with the Great One recently. That suggests how such 
kaffeeklatsches serve as a way of co-opting people rather than advancing 
*From:* "cont...@whoisleonardpeltier.info" 
***Sent:* Tue, November 24, 2009 12:04:22 PM
*Subject:* Red Nation Humanitarium Award Acceptance Letter from Leonard 

The Red Nation Film Festival has chosen Leonard Peltier to receive its 
first annual Humanitarian Award for his lifelong commitment to 
indigenous and human rights, as well as his leadership in efforts to 
alleviate poverty and domestic abuse among Native peoples. As a 
political prisoner for nearly 34 years, Peltier has helped focus world 
attention on government repression of Native resistance throughout the 
Americas, while the United States continues to make an example out of 
him of the consequences of seeking freedom. Unable to accept the award 
in person, Leonard wrote the following acceptance speech for award:

"I am very humbled to have been honored with the first-ever Red Nation 
Humanitarian Award. I wish the Red Nation Film Festival success in all 
its endeavors, as I believe your event benefits Indian people 
everywhere. With your continued support, I hope that I will one day have 
the freedom to thank you in person.

Film is a powerful medium with the potential to help change one's 
consciousness, which can in turn change the world. Film can transport 
the viewers to places and situations they might never encounter, from 
the mountains and jungles of Peru and Bolivia, to the prison cells of 
Abu Ghraib and Lewisburg, the federal penitentiary where I am held in 
limbo as they transform the facility into a  special site for 
problematic prisoners. Although I have been what they call a model 
prisoner, I am still here because I was jumped and beaten by other 
inmates when  I was transferred to another prison. I am here in spite of 
the fact that I was an ideal candidate for parole by any objective 
standard free of politics. But because of my beliefs, and the FBI's 
fears of exposure of their crimes against the people of Pine Ridge and 
the American Indian Movement, the federal government is determined to 
see to it that I die in prison. So here I sit in a 3 foot by 6 foot cell.

The fact that you are here today at a Native film festival shows how far 
we have come from the days when Hollywood Indians were portrayed by 
white actors as one-dimensional savages standing in the way of 
civilization.  The fact that we are today not only acting in films but 
also directing and producing shows how far we have in the last forty 
years since the American Indian Movement arose from the ashes of the 
Termination Era and demanded political sovereignty and cultural respect .

But how far have we really come? We are still subject on the 
reservations to the jurisdiction of the colonial police force known as 
the FBI, an agency which ignores serious crimes such as sexual assault 
while persecuting those who would stand up for true sovereignty and 
human rights. On other reservations, state police play the same role, 
though their jurisdiction is a legacy of the discredited termination 
era.  Last week, President Obama held what was billed as a historic 
summit meeting with hundreds of tribal officials in attendance, but what 
was really accomplished? My defense committee sent faxes to more than 
500 reservation chairman asking them to speak out on my behalf on this 
unique occasion. A few said they would, but when the opportunity 
presented itself they were too polite to speak out to a president who 
spoke of dissolving tribes in his inauguration speech.

It is the same in movies. While we now have realistic films dealing with 
poverty, alcoholism, and related social problems on the rez, how many 
deal with the root cause—colonial oppression which extinguishes hope for 
the future? I ask you filmmakers to use this powerful medium to help 
create visions for the future and to put our many problems in an 
accurate context. I plead with you, if you can't get me out of prison 
and I am destined to die here, to make my sacrifice worth it in terms of 
creating a more sustainable future for our children and future 
generations. "

In the Spirit of Crazy Horse,
Leonard Peltier "

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