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Couple of weeks ago I took the census test, looking for some part-time
work. Today I got a letter: the FBI indicates you have an arrest
record, blah, blah, blah. If you wish to dispute this call blah, or
send a copy of your fingerprints and or any records of arrests or
convictions you may have incurred.

On the census form I was asked if I had any convictions. Nope. I WAS
indeed arrested in 1988 at a CISPES CD/blockade of the Federal
Building in NYC. I was blindsided by one of NY's finest, thrown over
an ice cream cart, and had the wind knocked out of me when the officer
landed on my back with both his knees. I was charged with assault,
booked, and thrown in the can with 300 or so other protesters. At the
end of the day it was only me and Paul left. We were full-time CISPES
workers. Everyone else was released.

Paul and I were thrown into a holding cell with about 50 or so other
folks who had been arrested on various and sundry charges. Many of
them were drunk or high, but even though we were the only white kids
in there, when we told people the reason for our arrest, most were
sympathetic. Even struck up a conversation with a former member of the
Young Lords. Several hours later, we were taken out, chained to a
group of prisoners, many of whom were exhibiting withdrawal symptoms,
and placed in the back of a police van. They drove us to what seemed
to be Central Park, turned the heat on, left the engine running, and
disappeared. They returned three hours later. That turned out to be my
first attempt at leading a group of folks in a deep
breathing-relaxation exercise. The addicts were getting the shakes and
many were starting to lose control and become agitated. Paul and I
worked very hard to keep people calm.

The officers then drove us to another jail, put is in another holding
cell,  where we stayed until mid-afternoon the next day. Our CCR
lawyers had no idea where we were being held, but they finally secured
our release. All charges against us were dropped, but now I can't even
get a Census job without wading through a load of bureaucratic

What a wunnerful country!!


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