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It is easier to attack the Communists than it is to attack the  employers
George Anthony
In a message dated 23/12/2009 12:18:48 GMT Standard Time,  
dgn.g...@googlemail.com writes:

Rule  #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a  message.

2009/12/23  Mark Lause <markala...@gmail.com>:
'"America I will sell you strophes  $2500 apiece $500 down on your old

Philosophers, at least,  solve the world, even if they aren't about changing
it.  This does not  to that.  None of the historical analogies made here 
any water  whatsoever.  The circumstances are far different than when  mass
protests pressured FDR...who invariably gets trotted out like a  talisman
rather than a materialist argument.  Rather like Glen Beck  mentioning Tom
Paine.   And the LBJ analogy is simply  mind-boggling.

There are nothing fresh among the indigestible  ingredients in this tripe
stew.  You eat it when you have no  options."

Well, well, Mark, your everyday  understanding, the simplest form of 
and the complexity of the  world.
From everyday understanding's point of view science/philosophy would  go on
its head, as already Hegel observed, one of the greatest thinkers as  Karl
Marx asserted. Thank you bringing the whole debate to the point.  Indeed the
whole debate about CPUSA is about scientific/philosophical view  of politics
or everyday understanding of politics. The former tries to view  the world
with all its complexities, the latter reduces everything into  isolated
singular facts. Not everything that makes noises is loud. Another  paradox?
Well, think about it!!!
Dogan  Göcmen
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