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So... are we supposed to be against public education?  W aren't  against 
secular, non-religious, free education available to all children regardless 
of economic circumstance because the state will administer this education, 
any more than we are against universal, free, healthcare, with equal access 
granted to all, because the "state" will administer that program also.

We aren't against public health measures because the state administers that 
program.   We aren't against librairies because cities administer those.  We 
aren't against access to clean water because the state regulates that 
program.  On the contrary, we want to improve, expand, and defend these 
essential socially necessary programs from the depradations of private 
capital; from the demands for austerity; etc.  We argue for the primacy of 
public education, public health, public sanitation, public controlled 
drinking water supplies over and against privatization.

Marx attacks LaSalle's position not because it demands free public 
education, but because LaSalle uses the proposition to continue his 
glorification of the state, and mystify its connections to class.

I think we clearly need to defend those public services that are on short 
rations in the best of times, and the first to be attacked when the times 
aren't best.

As far as American education designed to defend and promote the interests of 
the enemy class, well yes & no.  It is the gutting of the education system 
that the ruling class sees as protecting its interests, not its ideological 
conscription into American firstism.

Why do we object to charter schools?  First, because many of them are simply 
scams.  Secondly, because they are inherently discriminatory, and are a step 
back from the essential social functions that supposedly represent the step 
forward that capitalism takes as a result of the social basis of production. 
Thirdly, because charter schools exist and survive due to public subsidies--  
the costs are not absorbed solely by the families of the students themselves 
but are absorbed by all.  Fourthly, because there is no way that charter 
schools can meet the needs of any but a small fraction of the student 
population.  Thus charter schools act as a feint, a diversion, will the 
federal, state, and city governments continue to allow public education to 

Private schooling, charter schooling, home schooling are the real 
ideological attacks on the obligation of society to provide free, quality 
education for all.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joaquin Bustelo" <jbust...@bellsouth.net>
Sent: Sunday, December 27, 2009 2:29 AM
Subject: Re: [Marxism] WSWS: Socialism and the defense of public education

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