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Trotsky and Stalin invented the socialism in one country argument about Russia 
under the Stalin regime which gave socialism such a bad name.

Some of the left who follow Trotsky hasten to crap on Stalin for his 
reactionary notion that a socialist organization of society had been achieved 
in Russia, and repeatedly point out that Lenin had it right: there had to be a 
revolution in and aid from an economically advanced country in order for a 
socialist society to develop in backward Russia, at some point in the future.

But Trotsky, they conveniently forget, also claimed that Stalin's Russia was a 
socialist society, just one run by a pack of murdering thugs led by the tyrant 
Stalin.  He argued that only a political revolution was necessary to rescue a 
Russian socialist organization of production from bad people.

So, on the basic, Stalin and Trotsky were in complete agreement: Stalin's 
Russia was an example of socialism for the world to support and defend.  Puke.

Lenin, who knew better, repeated over and over until his death that Russia was 
a capitalist society, and, because of overwhelming economic backwardness, was 
not any form of socialist society whatever, despite the politics of the working 
class government in power presiding over Russia, his own government.  

This is repeated incessantly by Lenin, Collected Works, Vol. 33; August 1921 To 
March 1923.  

Plain as day.

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