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Oh, ya, so I suppose other problems are being solved by the Marxmail 
e-mails? It is truly pathetic how some men on this list who obviously 
are ignorant of both the history and effects of circumcision seem to 
prefer moving on. That's a very hetero response, I must say, and typical 
of the kind of fear of the subject one often encounters among cut guys. 
I speak from experience. And, as Tom Cod did, to belittle the negatives 
of penis mutilation on grounds that women suffer more through 
clitoridectomy takes the cake.
    I thought I succinctly summarized the issue in my post, which 
apparently prompted Adam Richmond to withdraw from discussing the 
benighted positions he advanced, which amounted to letting parents 
mutilate their infant sons instead of seeking to empower the boys to 
control their own bodies.
    Circumcision is child molestation.
    Thank god there won't be a socialist revolution anytime soon where 
some of the contributors to this list will have any say-so over the 
rights of youth to control their own bodies. For shame.

Mark Lause wrote:
Isn't surplus tissue the difference between use tissue and exchange tissue?

C'mon, guys, this isn't really a question you can get any closer to solving
by email....


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