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I don't mean to distract anyone from the importance of Avatar and red soap 
operas, but the recent attacks on migrant laborers in the Calabria region of 
Italy need some examination.

WSJ article today explains the movement of  the immigrants to the southern 
areas of Italy, attempting to find work in the citrus fields,  after layoffs 
from the more industrialized north, and that unemployment in the south is 
already more than twice the national average.

The article stated that prosecutors were looking into reports that members 
of organized crime, specifically 'Ndrangheta, precipitated the violence.

Of course, southern Italy has existed in a chronic state of depression 
compared to the north, and for years exported its population to labor in the 
factories around Turin, Bologna, etc.

Anyway, would appreciate any additional information Italian, European, or 
African comrades might provide. 

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