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Yeah, OK, I think I know what you're saying, (although some of it I have a
hard time following), that failure to prevail in certain struggles at
certain times was due to objective circumstances and not the failures of the
progressive camp.  Your references to the 30s are well taken as I think
we've listened too long to the screeds of liberals, sectarians and neo-cons
about Spain, the Popular Front etc, with hardly a word about the crimes of
Franco etc., something tied in with a certain "moralism", the hypocritical
liberal moralism that attacks the alleged atrocities of revolution and
oppressed while downplaying or completely obscuring the crimes of the old
order and reaction.  Thus the cult of Marie Antoinette etc.  Trotsky
eloquently lambasted all this in "Their Morals and Ours".

I think you're comments about the First American Revolution are well
intentioned, but misguided and innacurate, being rooted in our patriotic
indoctrination in this country in this mythology since childhood.  Yes,
America was a colonial society, but not in the way Third World countries
were, even then.  Thus India was a true colony, which was exploited pro
tanto, while America was a settler colony, like South Africa or Israel. big
difference.  Nonetheless, there surely was a progressive aspect to this,
particularly in the Northern colonies and ideological gains in what was put
out, but not as big of a deal as our school book mythology makes it out to
be and which understandably some well intentioned people want to appropriate
to the movement.  Surely, Ho's reference to the Declaration of Independence
in 1945 was entirely appropriate.  But let's keep in mind he wasn't a French
settler colonist either, a mileu that, particularly in Algeria, was entirely
behind the motherland as a huge hunk of Americans were in the 1770s.
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