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Exactly so, knee jerk thinking for sure.  Without re-opening a whole can of
worms, I felt this attitude was present in analyzing the situation in the
Balkans in the 90s: since the muslims accepted aid from the US or sought
that meant they were bad and stooges of US imperialism, instead of realizing
that from their perspective they can look to whomever is willing to
materially aid them in their struggle against those who have historically
oppressed them.  The classic example of this was the Irish taking aid from
Kaiser's Germany in 1916.  Thus many of the same jihadis who fought in
Bosnia were involved in fighting against US puppet regimes elsewhere in the
same period.

> As an antidote to the formulaic approach of Furuhashi, who seems to have
> learned her Marxism--such as it is--from two parts Sam Marcy and
> ninety-eight parts Foucault, here's Leon Trotsky:
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