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Zinn and the New Left scholars writing in the wake of the civil rights
movement--and under its influence--understood that central fact of race and
racism in American history.  This alone placed them light years ahead of
Beard.  And much better historical materialists....


Sorry, but the central fact of the American history that produced the
characteristic American racist ideology was the quest for surplus profits
from the North American lands in the face of a relative absence of labor
power, a condition lasting until the 1890s.  This fact brought forth, among
other things, the institutionalization of chattel slavery along racially
coded lines as imported from the Caribbean beginning in earnest from the
1670's onward.

This would be a materialist approach to understanding the roots of American
racism.  While it is quite likely that the progressive historians did not
grasp this, neither too does the subjectivist identity politics approach of
the New Left school a la Zinn.  Indeed I find the former still more more
useful than the latter in grasping some of the key threads of that history.

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