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Mark, and then Shawn, wrote:

>In substance, my recollection is that Zinn backed Nader 
>in 2000 but Obama in 2008. He may have supported Kerry 
>in 2004.

>He (and Chomsky) supported the 'Safe State' strategy of 
>David Cobb, as I recall, which amounted to an endorsement 
>of Kerry without affirmatively saying so.
>That sure felt like a kick in the groin.

When this thread started out, it seemed like the title 
was a bit of a stretch, but the more I think about it,
the more it seems absolutely right.  Zinn’s enormous 
reputation gave him a political leadership potential 
that was unique among the left wing professor set. Mark 
writes that ‘A People’s History’ inspired him to enter the 
history profession. I’m sure that Shawn wasn't the only one 
that that felt that swift kick from some of the political 
choices Zinn made.  Perhaps one of the reasons that
Zinn is difficult to categorize is that the devotion his work 
inspired causes different people to want to construct him in 
the shape of their own beliefs.

The issues raised here of anarchism, Marxism, and 
populism, will continue to be discussed and there is 
always the occasional rabid response to look forward to. 
Zinn’s work and life will certainly continues to be a focus 
of study and debate for some time. He was definitely the 
historian who made history.

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