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At 8:59 AM -0800 3/1/10, Eli Stephens wrote:
>I am obviously NOT suggesting that this means that every "truther", 
>such as the ones on this list, are anti-Arab racists. I AM saying 
>such racism infests the movement.

This is more of the same ad hominem nonsense that our esteemed 
moderator used to divert the discussion (along with Lause) in the 
first place.

I have a suggestion to Comrade Stephens:  write Lynne Stewart a 
letter asking her where she situates the more ominous forces spewing 
Islamophobic bile - those who backstop the insipid idea of crazy 
'jihadis' and 'al qaedas' lurking deep within every Muslim, or those 
who have spent time unmasking the fairy tale that many (i.e., you) 
still bend over backwards to perpetuate (however obliquely).

She can be reached at the following address:

Lynne Stewart
New York Metro Correctional Center
150 Park Row
New York, NY  10007

The immediate outburst of anti-Arab paranoia following "the day that 
changed everything" - the profiling and the watch lists, terror 
warnings, spooky bomb plots, 'conspiracy' charges, underwear patsys, 
and the arrest of people like Lynne Stewart for cavorting with 
'terrorists' - along with the new, Islamophobic lexicon of racist 
buzz-words (some of which, pathetically, we must endure here) like 
'jihadi' and 'Islamo-fascist', came bursting forth with renewed vigor 
even as Building 7 spontaneously detonated into a heap of ash and 
collapsed into itself.

Remember how the propaganda merchants actually STOPPED SHOWING 
ADVERTISMENTS FOR A WEEK in order to convince us how awful Arabs 
were?  Think about that:  demonizing Arabs (for that few days, at 
least) became more important to them than SHOWING ADS.

Talk about missing the point:  were the 'Truthers' responsible for 
this campaign, Comrade Stephens?  Did the Truthers use anti-Islamic 
sentiment to invent DHS or to harass mosques?

Or was that 'Jihadi' John Ashcroft?

The MATERIAL effects of this racist campaign are present for all to 
see.  And they have NOTHING to do with what's in the minds of a few 
ignorant '911' activists here and there and EVERYTHING to do with the 
crackdown imposed by those ready to seize upon this crisis from the 
moment the operation got the green light.

The patsys were used as a means of drumming up anti-Muslim racism to 
such an extent that a holy crusade could be mobbed up and civil 
liberties could be clamped down.

Mission Accomplished.

For a while, at least.

And it will continue to do so until we show enough courage to stop 
abetting this process in realtime (i.e., not with an obsession on 
"the day that changed everything", but rather through a critical 
examination of how that day REMAINS present, providing the necessary 
collateral for imperialistic and reactionary policies) and instead 
challenge the racist sloganeering and ignorant, magical assumptions 
force-fed down our throats that, nearly a decade later, STILL serves 
as the enduring justification for their occupation of Afghanistan.


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