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My lay person take on it is that the inherent value of a product certainly
lies in the labor it took to create it, its moral value so to speak, but to
say that that and prices, which obviously reflect its exchange value since
that's what someone is willing to pay for it and which can fluctuate wildly
are close or nearly close seems idealist.  The "pet rock" of the 70s may
have had little in terms of labor invested in it, collecting the items and
then packaging them, but the price that someone paid for it was a function
of market conditions, subjective and otherwise.  This essentially goes
towards the main issue which is Sales, a word I think I hardly ever see
mentioned by Marx's ostensible epigones.  Without consummated sales no value
is realized, oranges dumped in groves while people starve as during the
depression.  Thus, my impression of "marxists" on economic theory is that
they are very weak, seeking to talmudically parse and justify an old prophet
and his sacred texts without much interest in empirically rooting themselves
in current conditions.  Thus we have little from them concretely analyzing
and demystifying the current burning economic issues related to mortgages,
CDOs etc etc., although their heart is in the right place.  Then again
politics is not primarily an academic exercise either.

On Sat, Apr 3, 2010 at 7:50 AM, Anthony Boynton

> ======================================================================
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ======================================================================
> I have not followed this thread fully, but here are my three cents worth in
> answer to this question.
> I don't think there are any 'flaws' in Marx's value theory. However, it has
> never been fully developed. Historically the biggest glitch has been the
> "transformation problem" which is still controversial. Other undeveloped
> areas of value theory exist however.
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