Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

You're assuming these are workers.  I make no such assumption. The actions 
I'm talking about include using racial epithets against  John Lewis, a man 
who suffered beatings, death threats, arrest for refusing to accept the 
poverty and discrimination imposed on African-Americans.   That makes the 
participants in that demonstration racists.  This "movement" is animated, 
sustained by its racism... by the "take back our country" theme, taking it 
back because an African-American was elected president.  That's what that 
means.  If you can't read that coded language, then you need to do a bit 
more research.

As for "judging" people, Greg answered that.  I don't have to make up these 
judgements.  These people advertise their racism.

Regarding "ideology" and "class,"  in the auto unions in Detroit various 
right-wing organizations, including the KKK, had supporters.  Those KKK 
supporters were angry people too, angry about the wrong things, but angry, 
as were the supporters of George Wallace.  That's white petit-bourgeois 
anger... that's the anger of white workers who, with greater seniority due 
to racism want to maintain their lock on higher paying positions.  That's 
the anger of those people who moved out of Detroit and into Dearborn, Mich. 
where, in the rebellion of 1967, the mayor had the police cruising the 
border streets in APC's.

How many of these angry people who object to "big capital" and banks came 
out to support the workers at Republic Window when they took over their 
factory and wanted Bank of America to extend the credit lines to the 
company?  How many of these angry people expressed their anger at Wall 
Street by supporting the Stella D'Oro workers in NYC?  Not a fucking one. 
So don't tell me how angry, but confused, these people are.  They may be 
angry, but they know which side they're on.  It's the side they show up for. 
It's the side opposite ours.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "brad bauerly" <bbaue...@gmail.com> 

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