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  Inaccurate and distorted account of Morales speech distracts from
  fundamental issue of climate change

Friday 23 April 2010 


A few national and international media outlets, instead of carrying out 
analysis and reports on the fundamental challenge of climate change, 
decided to distract the public with a distorted and inaccurate account 
of a speech by President Morales.

Various media reports are misinforming the public, saying that Morales 
has linked eating chicken with homosexuality. In his exact words, 
Morales said that “chicken that we are eating is full of feminine 
hormones, which is why men who eat this chicken have changes in their 
being as men. I have read some information that isn’t from me, asking 
about a daughter of one and a half years who already had breasts..”

Morales said nothing about sexuality, only that eating meat with 
artificial hormones is producing changes in our body. This is a 
perspective supported by some scientists, and reflected in European 
Union policy which bans the use of certain hormones in food. The British 
pharmaceutical specialist and representative on the Veterinary Products 
Committee, John Verall BDA said in 2008 that “it is very clear that much 
smaller quantities of sexual hormones in our food than we previously 
thought is causing abnormalities in the genitals of boys premature 
puberty in girls and increasing the risk of cancer later in life.”

In addition to these distortions, the coverage given to this issue 
demonstrates that the media is not treating the climate crisis with 
sufficient seriousness. During the whole conference, there have been 
debates on fundamental issues such as adaptation to climate change, 
testimonies of communities that are already suffering climate change, 
and the proposals of concrete actions such as the formation of a Climate 
Justice Tribunal. The fact that a few media outlets have chosen instead 
to manipulate the public is a poor reflection of the state of some media 
who should be taking responsibility for informing the public about a 
crisis that will affect us all.

For more information: Gadir Lavadenz – me...@cmpcc.org o tel (+591 2) 2 
113161 Nick Buxton – nicholasbux...@gmail.com o tel +591 740 56695

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