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Winter is coming on here and it being the near tropics the rats are heading
indoors.  I let one of the dogs stay in last nite to catch one of the
bastards that has been nibbling on the apples out on the table.  The dog is
after all a terrier and ratting is supposed to be their thing.  But no she
simply flipped the cushion of my favourite chair and settled down for a good
nite's sleep. Was it a case of "Catch your own rat?"

Waking up to the news that the Tories are BAACK, made me think that too many
of the working class in the UK are a bit like my dog.  They are largely
sitting this one out. I have a lot of sympathy for that attitude. Life is
after all short and getting shorter.

Sorry to say though, the hear no evil, see no evil strategy isn't going to
work in this conjuncture.

But the working class are far from being the villains in this drama.  My
nomination for that role is the educated middle class.  Frankly I have a
strong dislike for the role that the liberal middle class are drawn to

A paradigmatic case is that of Polly Toynbee. I have been reading her column
in the Guardian regularly throughout all this.  She was once part of the
right wing split from Labour led by Rodgers, Williams, Owens and Jenkins
that kept Thatcher in power throughout the 80s.  Seemingly she returned to
the Labour Party though and she has consistently campaigned for Brown to be
dumped and for a Lib-Lab alliance.  Well she has not got her wish and the
hopes of a "progressive" alliance against the Tories has come to nought.

Such an alliance was her equivalent of a wish to hear no evil etc during
what is about to happen.  The fantasy that somehow there was the possibility
of a progressive aspect to a Lib-Lab coalition was her moment of bad faith,
when she could fool herself that after all the Capitalist system was really
not a system and that anyway things would not be too bad.

Well they are about to get bad, very bad. And all the working class are
going to have to wake up and to some serious rat catching.


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