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By *Danielle Sabai*

[This article was written before the Thai government's crushing of the 
Red Shirts' protest site in Bangkok on May 19, 2010. However, it 
provides important background to the events.]
May 17, 2010 -- The political crisis engulfing Thailand is not a clap of 
thunder in an otherwise calm sky. The discourse about a country where 
“everyone lives in harmony and where there is no class struggle but a 
people united behind its adored sovereign” has nothing to do with 
reality. For several decades, the Thai people have been subjected to 
authoritarian regimes or dictatorships and a king in their service. The 
Thai élites have however not succeeded in preventing regular uprisings 
against the established order, including those in 1973, 1976 and 1992, 
all repressed by bloodbaths.
Since 2005, Thailand has faced a new and deep political crisis, longer 
than the previous ones, and whose outcome cannot be, as in the past, the 
stifling of the aspirations of the Thai people. The economic boom of the 
period from 1986-1996 has brought about irreversible changes in society, 
notably the formation of a working class of around 7 million and 
structural political reforms. Unlike in previous crises, ordinary Thais 
– peasants, urban workers and the middle classes of Bangkok, the less 
well-off – have become conscious of their political weight and begun to 
make demands.

Full article at http://links.org.au/node/1696

More coverage of the Thai crisis at http://links.org.au/taxonomy/term/296


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