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Venter gets $600 million from ExxonMobil to create synthetic algae that 
produce agrofuels. Amounts for CO2 capture not mentioned.

Scientists create synthetic life form with a computer and four bottles of

By Clive Cookson in London
Financial Times
Published: May 21 2010 03:00 |

Scientists have turned inanimate chemicals into a living organism in an
experiment that raises profound questions about the essence of life.

Craig Venter, the US genomics pioneer, announced last night that
scientists at his laboratories in Maryland and California had succeeded in
their 15-year project to make the world's first "synthetic cells" -
bacteria called Mycoplasma mycoides .

"We have passed through a critical psychological barrier," Dr Venter told
the Financial Times. "It has changed my own thinking, both scientifically
and philosophically, about life and how it works."

The bacteria's genes were all constructed in the laboratory "from four
bottles of chemicals on a chemical synthesiser, starting with information
on a computer," he said.

The research - published online by the journal Science - was hailed as a
landmark by many independent scientists and philosophers.

"Venter is creaking open the most profound door in humanity's history,"
said Julian Savulescu, ethics professor at Oxford University. "This is a
step towards . . . creation of living beings with capacities and natures
that could never have naturally evolved."

The synthetic bacteria have 14 "watermark sequences" attached to their
genome - inert stretches of DNA added to distinguish them from their
natural counterparts. They behaved like natural bacteria. M mycoides was
chosen as a simple microbe with which to prove the technology. It has no
immediate application.

But scientists at the J Craig Venter Institute and Synthetic Genomics ,
the company funding their research, intend to move on to more useful
targets that may not exist in nature. They are particularly interested in
designing algae that can capture carbon dioxide from the air and produce
hydrocarbon fuels.

Synthetic Genomics has a $600m deal with ExxonMobil to make algal biofuels.

"We have looked hard at natural algae and we can't find one that can make
the fuels we want on the scales we need," Dr Venter said.

The researchers built up the synthetic genome of M mycoides , with its
million chemical letters, by stitching together shorter stretches of DNA,
each about 1,000 letters long. They then transferred the completed genome
into the shell of another bacterium M capricolum whose own DNA had been

The transplanted genome "booted up" the host cell and took over its
biological machinery. After 30 cell divisions, there were billions of
synthetic bacteria in the lab dishes - all of them making exclusively the
biological molecules associated with M mycoides.

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