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 > Why not cite what he actually wrote? You'd see that he's quoting
 > Sydney Schanberg, whose reporting is by no means infallible, but does
 > raise some interesting questions.
 > <http://www.counterpunch.org/cockburn05282010.html>.

   This is the way I see it. Those on the right will view this from 
an "honor"/nationalistic viewpoint, but Cockburn's points shouldn't be 
dismissed out of hand.

   When one looks at it from the Vietnamese POV, it is entirely logical. And 
given the circumstantial evidence involved, one could say there certainly 
is some smoke; that doesn't mean there is fire, but there certainly could 
be more to this than what we've been told.

Fast fact: Since the mid-1970s, the richest one percent of households have 
doubled their percentage of the US national wealth. As the 2nd richest man 
in the world, Warren Buffet, bluntly said, "If[sic] class warfare is being 
waged in America, my class is clearly winning."

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