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  The beginning of this article has a vaguely, no, clearly unpleasant tone 
about it. The US government does not "suck up" to Israel. The US is Israel's 
boss. I will leave aside whether Jeremy Salt has issues about Jews. But he 
clearly has unfounded illusions in US imperialism. If all Israeli soldiers had 
on US military uniforms, would their behavior towards Palestinians be 
distinguishable from the US miitary's treatment of Iraqis or Afghans? The only 
real difference is that in Iraq and Afghanistan the US doesn't say "We're 
moving in and you're moving out." They already did that here, in a much more 
brutal way than anythng Israel has done.
*By Jeremy Salt – Ankara*
> The spectacle of an American sucking up to an Israeli Prime Minister is
> familiar but no less sickening every time it happens. Not since Eisenhower
> has an American president had the guts to stand up to Israel. With this
> single exception, all of them have fallen over in their haste to give Israel
> whatever it wants and to hold it responsible for nothing, not even the
> murder of its own citizens. The recent meeting between Barack Obama

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