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Well, the priesthood is for many another way of living their 
homosexuality. It has always been so. The Roman church would collapse 
without homosexual priests, bishops, and popes. The Episcopal church is 
close behind. I knew an Episcopal priest and monk who was a leather 
queen and head of his monastic order (vows of celibacy prevailed in the 
monkhood, but he ignored them, of course). All the American monks in his 
order were gay. All the monks in a Roman Catholic monastery in 
Massachusetts, featured on PBS years ago without mentioning sexuality, 
are gay, according to my friend. I know many similar cases. An Italian 
friend once told me that it was customary in Italy for a family that had 
a gay son to send him into the priesthood because it was one career 
where homosexuals could thrive.

Magazine exposes 'double life' of Vatican's gay priests
>     * http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/world/2010/0724/1224275392905.html
>       <http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/world/2010/0724/1224275392769.html>
> NOT FOR the first time in recent months, an Italian media source 
> yesterday revealed embarrassing details of a flourishing gay "scene" 
> within the Holy See in Rome.
> Carmelo Abbate, an undercover reporter from weekly news magazine 
> /Panorama/ , provides in its latest issue graphic detail of a 
> month-long series of gay parties and brief encounters in and around 
> the Holy See, featuring openly gay priests.
> Abbate, who introduced himself into the community thanks to an 
> (unnamed) gay friend, begins his latter-day Decameron with a party in 
> the Testaccio area of Rome.
> He and his friend were invited to the party by a French priest, 
> referred to as Paul, whom the friend claims he first met in a sauna. 
> After watching two semi-naked, oiled and muscular gay dancers go 
> through their routine, Fr Paul climbed up on stage for what the 
> reporter calls a session of "Dirty Dancing For Three".
> That first night ended with Fr Paul spending the night with Abbate's 
> friend. The /Panorama/ article is accompanied by clandestine photos 
> allegedly depicting the said Fr Paul in striped boxer shorts in the 
> friend's bedroom on the morning after.
> The article goes on to detail homosexual encounters with two other 
> Rome-based priests, "Carlo" and "Luca", passionate encounters that are 
> also photographically documented. After sex, Fr Luca, for example, 
> proudly shows off his clerical vestments, walking around the bedroom 
> half-naked. Fr Carlo claims that "98 per cent" of the priests he knows 
> are homosexuals.
> The reporter's friend says he knows many priests who frequent gay 
> spots such as the Coming Out bar near the Coliseum.
> Fr Paul and the friend begin a relationship via affectionate text 
> messages. At one point the priest explains he has "to say Mass this 
> evening at six o'clock but I'll say a prayer for you, if you like".
> At the Testaccio party, a Sardinian claims he has come to Rome just 
> for the party, and asks: "Did you meet Fr Paul when you went to 
> confession?"
> There was no official Vatican response to the /Panorama/ article 
> yesterday, but the pope's man in the diocese of Rome, namely the 
> vicariate of Rome, Cardinal Agostino Vallini, issued a statement 
> condemning the "double life" of certain priests and adding: "Coherence 
> calls for them to come clean. We do not wish them any ill but we 
> cannot accept that because of their behaviour, the honour of all 
> priests is besmirched."
> Sergio Rovasio, secretary of the radical group Certain Rights, said: 
> "Finally, a piece of investigative journalism which documents 
> something which anyone who frequents gay spots in Rome knows only too 
> well -- namely, there are a lot of priests who attend these places and 
> who have sexual encounters without seeming to be minimally worried by 
> the evident hypocrisy of what they preach by day and what they do by 
> night."
> Last March the Vatican was shaken by media reports claiming disgraced 
> papal gentleman Angelo Balducci, now in prison, had been active in a 
> gay prostitution ring which also involved subsequently dismissed 
> Vatican chorister Chinediu Thiomas Ehiem.

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