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What's new at Links: Pakistan floods, Australian socialists, Karl 
Polanyi, Sri Lanka, Arabic, Thailand, Philippines, Bolivia & climate 
talks, Grundrisse, Zimbabwe

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    Pakistan: Labour Relief Campaign launches appeal for millions
    affected by floods <http://links.org.au/node/1832>

*[**Readers can also donate via the Australian trade unions' aid agency 
APHEDA at http://www.apheda.org.au/news/1281331224_14992.html.] *

Appeal from the *Labour Relief Campaign*, Pakistan
August 7, 2010 -- More than 12 million people are suffering from floods 
in Pakistan. Please donate to the Labour Relief Campaign to help people 
of Pakistan facing the worst-ever floods in its history. Torrential 
rains have unleashed flash floods in different parts of the country in 
the last three weeks. Levies have broken, leaving the people exposed to 
flood water.

    * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/1832>

    Australian socialists: `Vote Socialist & Greens, put Abbott's
    conservatives last <http://links.org.au/node/1830>

On July 24, 2010, Australia's leading socialist newspaper /Green Left 
Weekly/ spoke to */Peter Boyle/*, national convener of the Socialist 
Alliance, about the political climate of the 2010 federal election, to 
be held on August 21.

    * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/1830>

    Karl Polanyi provides `a vital intellectual resource' for
    ecosocialists <http://links.org.au/node/1842> 

By *Derek Wall*
The market is still seen as a solution to all ills and the failure of 
socialists to make a persuasive case for alternatives to marketisation 
has created huge problems for the left. In just about every part of 
world outside Latin America, the left remain in a weak position and 
alternatives to neoliberalism remain marginal, so intellectual resources 
that show that the market is neither an inevitable nor an effecient 
means of running the economy are vital. One of the most important 
resources in the ideological struggle for a socialist economy that 
sustains the environment, promotes social justice and creates democratic 
control of the means of production, is the work of the late great 
Hungarian thinker Karl Polanyi.

    * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/1842>

    Sri Lankan government's ties with Israel expose its duplicity

By *Chris Slee*
August 14, 2010 -- On July 21 the Israeli newspaper /Yedioth Ahronoth/ 
published an interview with Donald Perera, Sri Lanka's ambassador to 
Israel. Perera thanked Israel profusely for its support in the fight 
against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), saying: "For years 
Israel has aided our war on terror through the exchange of information 
and the sale of military technology and equipment... Our air force fleet 
includes 17 Kfir warplanes, and we also have Dabur patrol boats. Our 
pilots were trained in Israel, and we have received billions of dollars 
in aid over the past few years. This is why I asked to be assigned to 
Israel -- a country I consider a partner in the war against terror."

    * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/1841>

    Pakistan: Use foreign debt repayments for flood-hit communities

By the *Labour Relief Campaign*
August 13, 2010 -- Pakistan must refuse to pay foreign debt and divert 
the amount to the relief and rehabilitation of flood-hit communities. 
Instead of begging for much-needed aid for relief and rehabilitation, 
Pakistan must stand up and announce the unilateral suspension of 
repayment of foreign debts, owed to international finance institutions 
(IFIs) and donor countries. Currently Pakistan is paying about US$3 
billion on debt servicing every year. Pakistan's present foreign debt of 
$54 billion is increasing. This act alone can bring most of the 
much-need support for the immediate relief of the flood victims.

    * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/1840>

    The Flame, August 2010 -- Green Left Weekly's Arabic-language
    supplement <http://links.org.au/node/1838>

August 6, 2010 -- With the help of Socialist Alliance members in the 
growing Sudanese community in Australia, /Green Left Weekly/ -- 
Australia's leading socialist newspaper -- publishes a regular Arabic 
language supplement. The /Flame// /covers news from the Arabic-speaking 
world as well as news and issues from within Australia. Editor-in-chief 
is Soubhi Iskander is a comrade who has endured years of imprisonment 
and torture at the hands of the repressive government in Sudan.

    * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/1838>

    Pakistan: Video -- Farooq Tariq on religious fundamentalism

August 11, 2010 -- *Farooq Tariq* from the Labour Party Pakistan talks 
about the changing relationship between the Islamic fundamentalists and 
the state of Pakistan.

    Thailand: Freedom of speech is a severe danger to the ruling class

By *Giles Ji Ungpakorn*
August 10, 2010 -- Tantawut Taweewarodomkun, the United Front for 
Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) USA's web designer, known as "Red 
Eagle", who was arrested on April 1, 2010, on "computer crimes" and 
/lese majeste/ charges, has been remanded in custody until February 
2011, when the court has set a date to interrogate prosecution and 
defence witnesses.

    * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/1836>

    Philippines: Extrajudicial killings and the struggle for land reform
    under 'Noynoy' Aquino <http://links.org.au/node/1835>

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*Satur Ocampo*, Bayan Muna president, interviewed by* Reihana Mohideen*
August 11, 2010 -- Some 1205 extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary 
killings, largely political activists and journalists, took place under 
the government of former Philippines president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, 
according to the human rights organisation Karapatan. In the few weeks 
since the June 30 inauguration of the new president Benigno "Noynoy" 
Aquino III, six extrajudicial killings have taken place, three being 
members of organisations aligned with the Bayan Muna (Country First) party.

    * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/1835>

    Bolivia's UN ambassador: Despite extreme weather, rich countries
    fail to cut greenhouse gases <http://links.org.au/node/1834>

August 10, 2010 -- Even as the world faces a series of extreme weather 
events that scientists warn is related to global warming, international 
climate negotiations are moving at a glacial pace. The latest round of 
climate talks in Bonn, Germany, ended last week, and diplomats have just 
one more short meeting in China in the coming months to hash out their 
differences before the critical high-level climate conference in CancĂșn, 
Mexico, at the end of the year.

    * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/1834>

    The dissemination and reception of the `Grundrisse' -- a
    contribution to the history of Marxism <http://links.org.au/node/1833>

/ /

[The following article is a chapter from /Karl Marx's Grundrisse: 
Foundations of the critique of political economy 150 years later/, 
edited by Marcello Musto. Published by Routledge, the paperback edition 
is just out. It is posted at /Links International Journal of Socialist 
Renewal /with the author's permission. *Marcello Musto* teaches at the 
Department of Political Science at York University, Toronto Canada.

    * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/1833>

    Zimbabwe: Liberation nationalism, old and born again

By *Richard Saunders*
August 2010 -- The historic defeat of the Zimbabwe African National 
Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) in the February 2000 constitutional 
referendum by an alliance of leading civil society organisations and the 
Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) marked a pivotal point in 
Zimbabwean politics. It was the first time the party had lost a national 
poll since independence. After a decade of neoliberal reforms, and 
rising economic dislocation and social protest that emerged with the 
unwinding of the "liberation consensus" around national development, 
ZANU-PF was faced with an unprecedented challenge on a political terrain 
it had unilaterally dominated for more than a decade.

    * Read more <http://links.org.au/node/1831>

* * *
Links seeks to promote the international exchange of information, 
experience of struggle, theoretical analysis and views of political 
strategy and tactics within the international left. It is a forum for 
open and constructive dialogue between active socialists coming from 
different political traditions. It seeks to bring together those in the 
international left who are opposed to neoliberal economic and social 
policies. It aims to promote the renewal of the socialist movement in 
the wake of the collapse of the bureaucratic model of "actually existing 
socialism" in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.

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