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A great article on the determination of new layers of relative surplus  
population as members of the working class, 

I enjoyed this article's strict adherence to Marx theory premise and  
factual inquiry into the life of the working class. Youth and/or young workers  
entry and exist out of active worforce, as a lens to examine the surplus  
population was refreshing. The article adhered to Marx general law of capital  
accumulation, tying increase in the surplus population to increased misery - 
 lowering wages, of the proletarian masses as a dynamic. 
Of interest was the author making short work of tackling the issue of the  
lumpen proletariat, which in my mind is a narrow sliver of modern society at 
 best. At any rate I would not call sex workers - prostitutes, lumpen  
proletariats. I tend to view the category called "lumpen proletariat" as a  
historical phenomenon belonging to a passed historical era. For me, the  
fundamental attribute of the lumpen proletariat is neither criminality nor  
on the edge of civic society, but rather its existence and evolution as  the 
refuge of decaying feudal society. 
A decaying feudal society and emergent bourgeois society produces the  
phenomenon of lumpen proletariat. A decaying industrial capitalist society  
produces dispossessed proletarians, rather than lumpen proletarians. If this is 
true then the organization of the dispossessed proletariat, in all its  
dimensions is on the agenda. 
The growing mass of dispossessed workers in modern society tends to be  
unemployed, underemployed, work 2 and three "bits of jobs" but many are still  
employed in the process of losing everything. These are not "new lumpens"  
because they are unemployed, marginally employed or when they engage in 
criminal  activity. 
A particular passage of Marx was used of interest to my particular lens. 
"A development of productive forces which would diminish the absolute  
number of laborers, i.e., enable the entire nation to accomplish its total  
production in a shorter time span, would cause a revolution, because it would  
put the bulk of the population out of the running. This is another 
manifestation  of the specific barrier of capitalist production, showing also 
capitalist  production is by no means an absolute form for the development of 
the productive  forces and for the creation of wealth, but rather that at a 
certain point it  comes into collision with this development." [36]  Marx, 
Karl: Capital,  vol.3, op.cit. p.372. 
The meaning of "the bulk of the population out of the running" is "not  
having a chance to make it in the society one lives in." Now, roughly 60% of 
our  working class makes $14 an hour and less, and I call that "out of the 
running."  Do the math. $560 a week and less for 40 hours. And this is before 
Things appear considerably worse when considering earth and over 6 billion  
people of whom most are "out of the running."

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