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 Louis and Eli noted that we should take what Goldberg says with a grain of 
salt. I also searched for this Castro criticism of Amadinejad and found 
nothing. But that raises the question of why Castro would choose this reporter 
out of all the possibilties he has available to make a statement. And then we 
would have to wait and see if Castro repudiates anything Goldberg said Castro 
Curiously enough, the provocative direct quote in the headline appears nowhere 
in the article, nor do ANY of the statements allegedly made by Castro with 
respect to Iran. For example, Goldberg says that Castro "criticized Ahmadinejad 
for denying the Holocaust," but again, we don't see any direct quote to that 
effect. That's not to say the article isn't accurate in that reporting, but 
again, as Louis notes, anything from Jeffrey Goldberg must be taken which more 
than just a grain of salt.

Actually much more interesting than the headline claim was this (again, if 

"I was, I admit, also surprised to hear him express such sympathy for
Jews, and for Israel's right to exist (which he endorsed

I refer in particular, of course, to the second half of the sentence, not the 

Eli Stephens

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