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Well, Joaquín, it's a little more complicated than that, and I assure you
that I haven't touched weed since it went for $15/ounce...Yes, the
organizers of the One Nation Working Together rally are going to promote
voting Democratic, but to say that it's going to be thoroughly and
completely a Democratic pep rally, well, not exactly. You should have heard
what Ray Stiever, the president of the New Jersey Industrial Union Council
(the CIO, which never merged with the AFL in NJ), said about Obamacare at
the IUC convention on Thursday. It was blistering. And the criticism that so
many of the on-the-ground organizers of Oct. 2 are expressing about Obama
and the Democrats is hardly "thorough and complete pep rally" stuff. The key
demand of the rally is "we want the change that we voted for," which is of
course a clear and unequivocal statement that we haven't gotten it yet, and
that it's about damned time.

Joaquín, I agree with your basic point: in the real world, the Black
community and the organized labor movement are not ready to break with Obama
yet. I suspect that the same is true for other communities of color, with
the possible exception of the Arab immigrant community. We have to work in
that real world, and if socialists are going to earn the respect and trust
of working people, we can't be out there trying to fill buses with a "yes,
but..." attitude. What we have to do is to get working people, people of
color, young people, etc., off of their asses, and begin to get them into
the habit of taking action that doesn't involve a touch-screen in an
anonymous voting booth. Once that baby step is taken, then I have a
suspicion that working people have a few ideas of their own about what to do


Well, it IS going to be --guaranteed-- a completely and thoroughly a 
democratic party pep rally. Like, duh ...

And anyone who says different should share whatever it is they've been 
smoking, 'cause it is undoubtedly more potent than what's in my bong.

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