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On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 06:38:22 -0400 "Richard Levins"
<human...@hsph.harvard.edu> writes:

> I try to deal with some of ths in the April Monthly Review.

Richard's article can be read online at:


Jim Farmelant

> =========================
> Richard Levins
> >>> Joonas Laine <jjo...@nic.fi> 9/19/2010 3:29 AM >>>
> ======================================================================
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a 
> message.
> ======================================================================
> Joaqu�n Bustelo wrote:
> > On 9/18/2010 6:29 PM, danan wrote:
> >> Sending 30 000 people to re-education camps,
> > I don't subscribe to Marxmail to read CIA lies against Cuba.
> I can understand if people who know what they're talking about are 
> frustrated because what they consider CIA lies come up all the time. 
> But 
> people like me who don't know Cuba stuff so well - and thus can't 
> tell 
> which are the lies and which are real problems - are not helped by 
> replies like this. Of course nobody has any responsibility to 
> explain 
> anything in any length, but if I'm ever going to discuss Cuba with 
> someone who has some criticisms they've read in the press, I won't 
> have 
> the confidence to do that unless I know what I'm talking about. 
> Nothing 
> is more embarrassing than someone throwing some fact (or "fact") at 
> you 
> that you were totally unaware of, and so you're totally unprepared 
> and 
> can't say anything against it, apart from the argument that can be 
> given 
> in response to *any* criticism: Cuba is the victim of a ruthless 
> blockade. You lose all credibility if that's all you can say.
> No doubt the argument is true, but I would like to know in more 
> detail 
> what I'm defending, especially the more unpleasant things. It's not a 
> condition to defend Cuba, but it is a condition of being able to do 
> that 
> in public. Feeling ambivalent and private sympathy from the 
> sidelines is 
> hardly the best way to do that.
> Many people became totally disillusioned about the Soviet Union 
> because 
> they had believed what the CP press wrote about it. What a surprise 
> then 
> to find out that some 20 000 Finns were killed there in the 1930s, 
> many 
> of whom had fled the Finnish whites after the civil war, or later in 
> the 
> 20s and 30s, in search of a better life. Does one respond to that 
> that 
> the USSR was a victim of ruthless pressure from the capitalist 
> world, 
> isolated etc..? That's true of course, but hardly a sufficient 
> answer. 
> I'm not saying anyone's doing that to Cuba on this list, but how can 
> I 
> know, if all I have is "Cuba is the victim of a ruthless blockade"?
> I'm so totally fed up with the Finnish communist party newspaper's 
> Cuba 
> "reporting", because it's all about the health care and education 
> all 
> the time, and nothing else. Not that it's not important, but if 
> that's 
> ALL YOU GET, over and over again, year after year, you begin to 
> wonder 
> whether they really know anything at all. You just can't trust them 
> to 
> talk about the more complicated things as well, so what they write 
> isn't 
> worth shit in the long run. The kind of sunshine news they publish 
> is 
> good enough for keeping the faithful in line, but no good at all in 
> trying to educate people to be able to defend Cuba in public.
> I don't share Dan's view on things, but I think it's good he brought 
> the 
> questions up. I take it as a chance for us less knowledgeable to 
> learn 
> by seeing how the more knowledgeable on the list defeat him by means 
> of 
> elaborated and reasoned argument, so that I'll be able to do the 
> same 
> sometime in the future.
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