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The common sense that the British media has manufactured is no doubt very
powerful and I have also little doubt that Ed the Red Milliband will follow
the script that dictates neo-liberalism's offensive against the working
class must be maintained.

Cockburn's little anecdote about 'Is your hate pure?' that Lou posted on his
blog is very well taken.  Ed Milliband hates no one it seems, with the
possible exception of his late father.

He is then Britain's Obama in waiting.  Least ways that is his ambition.
But I think he will miss his Obama moment. The class anger and hatred that
the cuts will produce will sweep this slimy little opportunist away.  He may
try of course to reinvent himself as a defender of the working class.

But I think this Obama wannabe has come to late to the feast.  The original
Obama himself is floundering around now trying to find the change that
anyone at all can believe in.


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