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> *By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard*
> The overwhelming fact of the global currency system is that America needs a
> much weaker dollar to bring its economy back into kilter and avoid slow
> ruin, yet the rest of the world cannot easily handle the consequences of
> such a wrenching adjustment. There is not enough demand to go around.
> http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article26565.htm<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=iqnuv6bab&et=1103770625082&s=109652&e=001J7-ndJOPkko7ayLveMJd0rb61G8z_dosbqiM6MY51tmncCqXUiYc4xmUovZi-w4W22ycMtxtLpbDNJMsfVPQBgtMHkLk214mLdAi4qgRCgHQyDwllwO9EnFFdiqdhHXlGaoOTlbptYy4U89-hOI3iq2hOW0vXCMt>
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