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*It's the Occupation, Stupid*
> Extensive research into the causes of suicide terrorism proves Islam isn't
> to blame -- the root of the problem is foreign military occupations.
> **October 22, 2010** "**Foreign 
> Policy*<http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2010/10/18/it_s_the_occupation_stupid>
> *" -- -Although *no one wants to talk about it, 9/11 is still hurting
> America. That terrible day inflicted a wound of public fear that easily
> reopens with the smallest provocation, and it continues to bleed the United
> States of money, lives, and goodwill around the world. Indeed, America's
> response to its fear has, in turn, made Americans less safe and has inspired
> more threats and attacks.
> In the decade since 9/11, the United States has conquered and occupied two
> large Muslim countries (Afghanistan and Iraq), compelled a huge Muslim army
> to root out a terrorist sanctuary (Pakistan), deployed thousands of Special
> Forces troops to numerous Muslim countries (Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, etc.),
> imprisoned hundreds of Muslims without recourse, and waged a massive war of
> ideas involving Muslim clerics to denounce violence and new institutions to
> bring Western norms to Muslim countries. Yet Americans still seem strangely
> mystified as to why some Muslims might be angry about this situation.
> In a narrow sense, America is safer today than on 9/11. There has not been
> another attack on the same scale. U.S. defenses regarding immigration
> controls, airport security, and the disruption of potentially devastating
> domestic plots have all improved.
> But in a broader sense, America has become perilously unsafe. Each month,
> there are more suicide terrorists trying to kill Americans and their allies
> in Afghanistan, Iraq, and other Muslim countries than in all the years
> before 2001 combined. From 1980 to 2003, there were 343 suicide attacks
> around the world, and at most 10 percent were anti-American inspired. Since
> 2004, there have been more than 2,000, over 91 percent against U.S. and
> allied forces in Afghanistan, Iraq, and other countries.
> Yes, these attacks are overseas and mostly focused on military and
> diplomatic targets. So too, however, were the anti-American suicide attacks
> before 2001. It is important to remember that the 1995 and 1996 bombings of
> U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia, the 1998 bombings of the U.S. embassies in
> Kenya and Tanzania, and the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen were the
> crucial dots that showed the threat was rising prior to 9/11. Today, such
> dots are occurring by the dozens every month. So why is nobody connecting
> them?
> full --
> http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article26664.htm<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=iqnuv6bab&et=1103817652991&s=109652&e=001VFd8UgCAbGPsPN1fD5jrYT5FA3jLfoT8Va0nUweOLj1m6gS4f8YxL6pByA1A3RkgUlSBuci8r64gLd6evsjqt4HVfMtZtzBelXC7vfhcnc2lrhuPdAYkj9Wso0DkAWHsjVpiABGRai7AFifyRJ5Sjb81_iuj1oyq>
> **

> *Robert A. Pape teaches at the University of Chicago and is co-author,
> with James K. Feldman, of Cutting the Fuse: The Explosion of Global
> Suicide Terrorism and How to Stop 
> It<http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0226645606?ie=UTF8&tag=fopo-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=0226645606>.
> *
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