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It's not so much what people THINK, as who they are. The people to whom we
should reach out are the organized workers and people of color who are
willing to get up off their couches and take political action. To know who
they are, all you had to do was go to Washington on 2 October. The people
who attended the ONWT rally are the people who need to hear the socialist
message, and there is no doubt in my mind that they are receptive to it. But
it has to be presented in an intelligent and respectful way, and that's the
challenge we face. The way to start building a bridge to them is to be
involved in action like ONWT and to be seen as people who get things done in
a positive way. Earning respect in ACTION is the first step to convincing
others of our ideas.


-----Original Message-----

The term "progressive" is used everywhere in American politics. I believe it
has a general meaning, if not a singular meaning. Wouldn't you agree? If you
don't like that term, then think of people in America who are  Left of
Obama, but not (yet?) Socialists or Communists. Clealy, there are many
people like Olbermann, for example, who speak, write, blog and organize
everyday around issues that would improve the lives of ordinary folks, but
show no hint, as far as I can tell, of being Socialists. My question is" How
do WE  build a bridge with them?

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