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I suppose that socialism in the abstract isn't a good start.  We start with
immediate problems and begin to pose questions in such a way as to clarify
that socialism is the solution.  Lead the horse to water and don't worry
about making it drink.  It'll get thirsty enough. We just make sure it knows
where to go...

Indeed, most people actually have very good impulses on most things: the
wars, health care, environment, etc.  Most people favor many of the things
that we do, but they just don't know how to get them.  This is why we
present these things in such a way as to emphasize a shift in
control...democratic oversight and accountability rather than regulatory
solutions, etc.

The inverse of this involves emphasizing the irrelevance of solutions that
remain within the confines of capitalism...the Democratic/Republican
flim-flam, particularly.

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