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Witness the determined struggle at Grandpuits, where the CGT-Refinery workers 
were "requisitioned," which they pointed was a tactic used by French fascists 
like Petain and beat in court.  When the prefect came back with the same 
"requisition" order, they stayed on their picket line, reinforced the 
barricades of burning tires and said they would go back to court on Monday.

When the riot cops pushed them, they pushed back.

When I've seen Charles Foulard, the leader of CGT-Refinery at Grandpuits, on tv 
talking to his members, I notice that he calls them "mes camarades," which 
might be TV5's way of saying he is in the CPF.  Which, by the way, issued a 
rather passionate call to continue the struggle even after the pension reform 

The trade union leadership might be inclined to surrender but their base 
appears to want to fight on  -- and students/youth feel that they are not only 
expressing solidarity, they are fighting for their own chance for a job.

/greg dunkel

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