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(JAI:  Note that the members of the RAC-LA Food Program (examined in the 
paper) will celebrate our 3rd anniversary of 'serving the people' on Nov 
14.   I can forward pdf (or Word doc) to any one who wants to read the 
full paper.)

----- Original Message -----
*From:* Theory in Action Journal of TSI 
*To:* johnaim...@earthlink.net <mailto:johnaim...@earthlink.net>
*Sent:* Thursday, October 28, 2010 7:40 AM
*Subject:* Your manuscript publication with Theory in Action

Dear John,

Once more, congratulations for the publication of your manuscript 
"Marx's examination of the circular movements of capital and the 
economic contradictions between anarchists, socialists and communists or 
The ordering of production in the coming socialist commonwealth". It is 
scheduled to appear in the online and print versions of Vol. 3, No. 4 of 
Theory in /Action/, October, 2010. 

Feel free to share your complimentary PDF version of your manuscript 
attached to this email with family, friends, and colleagues.

It has been a pleasure working with you and we hope you will consider us 
for your future works.

Best Wishes,

The Editorial Collective

Theory in Action-The Journal of the Transformative Studies Institute

39-09 Berdan Avenue

Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 USA

www.transformativestudies.org <http://www.transformativestudies.org/>

"Putting Theory into /Action/"

*Marx' examination of the circular movements of capital and the economic 
contradictions between anarchists, socialists and communists*


*The ordering of production in the coming socialist commonwealth *

*                                         ABSTRACT*

An opening towards a discussion on rapprochement between anarchists, 
socialists and communists framed within an economic analysis of the 
features of the coming socialist commonwealth as counter-posed to the 
features of the circuits of capitalist production as described by Marx 
in "Capital Vol 2"; and, as demonstrated, in incubus, in the "serve the 
people" work of RAC-LA.




                     There can exist no political equality where there 
is not economic equality.

                     RAC-LA's "Food Program" is an experiment in pure 
anarchic-communism.* *

Marx' examinations of the circuits of production can be extended into a 
fourth circuit, that of Consumption.

There exists a "conservation of value" throughout the circuits of 

* *


Capitalist commodity production will be replaced by socialist commodity 
production with society itself as the appropriator of the surplus.

The members of the socialist commonwealth, with freedom of choice, will 
pre-order their chosen commodities thereby bringing production and 
distribution into accordance. Given the pre-orders of the members of the 
commonwealth; and, given an assay of the existing productive forces; the 
prices of goods follow from their costs-of-production + the value-added 
of the planned surplus.

Each member of the commonwealth ought receive equal entitlement to 
shares of the commonly produced goods and services.

An after-market akin to a socialist e-bay will account for changes in 
desires subsequent to the ordering process as members trade certificates 
for goods and/or services.

Hiring (and firing) decisions ought be made by the workforces.

Frederick Taylor's " trial and error" procedure, similar to Walras' 
/tatonnement /process, provides the mechanism by which a socialist 
commonwealth can calculate the value of the factors of production and 
the Austrian "economic problem" is solved. P26.

Oskar Lange's "commodification of leisure-time" provides a possible 
mechanism for the amelioration of economic antagonisms on the left as 
well as the preservation of incentive in the coming socialist 
commonwealth .

Part of the necessaries required for the social needs (the Social 
Surplus) will consist of "occupation fees" from labor in the form of 
job-assessments or payments by the worker for his right to work, her 
choice of occupation. Part of the necessaries required for the social 
needs will consist of the portion of the total commodity-value formerly 
accruing to the capitalist as surplus-value and part will come from an 
expansion of the productive capacities.

The commonwealth will effect a shift from a pricing schedule based upon 
prices-of production to a schedule based upon value (embodied abstract 
human labor.) And, the products of labor-intensive industries would 
experience a marked increase in consumer price.

The transition from socialism to communism will be a gradual (really, a 
graduated) process.


The examination of equilibrium is extended into the 4^th circuit of 
production, Consumption.

*J**ohn A. Imani *is a (Self-described) "Anarcho-Marxist revolutionary 
living in Los Angeles,

and a founding member of Revolutionary Autonomous Communities, Los Angeles

(RAC-LA)." Address correspondence to: John A. Imani; e-mail: 

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