Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Marxists have an obligation to tell the people what they know in a language 
 the people can relate to. 
Question: I don't know who started this thread, but do you care about the  
elections on Tuesday? 
Mark language is pretty clear. He tells the truth. 
On every issue he says, "Let's do something," right now to make a  
"Do you care about the elections on Tuesday?" is the wrong question because 
 old school Marxists man up and answer in one voice, "of course not." 
This means, "no, I do not care about political bums." 
Or it means, "I don't care about the elections." 
Bourgeois elections In American national politics is the election  of 
political bums. 
Do I care? 
I care about my kids, heir children, my Friday night poker partners, and  
the girl I trying to get a date with and things like that. I don't care about 
a  lot of political bums. 
Glenn  . . .  sections of the list is at another level. 
I have another response to the American style, but had early Sunday Morning 
 company - before Church, and will send something in about two hours. 
No, I am not going to Church today, but set aside "Church time" for another 
 project. On Sunday's between like . . . 6:00 am and 3:00 pm, I am in 
Church or  at the altar of change. 

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