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  William Broe, 97; oversaw CIA efforts to oust Allende

WASHINGTON --- William V. Broe, 97, a CIA officer who rose to become 
chief of operations in the Western Hemisphere and oversaw the agency's 
covert missions to destabilize the government of Salvador Allende, 
Chile's Marxist president, died of congestive heart failure Sept. 28 at 
a nursing home in Hingham, Mass. He was a resident of North Scituate.

Mr. Broe was an FBI special agent before joining the fledgling CIA in 
1948. He held many assignments in the Far East as he worked his way up 
the organizational ranks. He was station chief in Toyko before becoming 
chief of the Western Hemisphere division in 1965.

He held that job for seven years, during which time the division 
conducted clandestine operations in South America. Many of its efforts 
were a response to government concerns about the possible spread of 
communism and Soviet influence.

In March 1973, Mr. Broe made headlines after his "unprecedented'' 
appearance before Senate investigators looking into CIA activities in 
South America. Specifically, the investigators were interested in the 
agency's alleged collaboration with International Telephone and 
Telegraph to interfere in Chilean political affairs.



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